Kids kirk is on and we are looking forward to seeing you.
We will meet on Sunday 1st November 2020 at 10:30am.
Here are few points about the new Kid's kirk.
Kid's kirk will take place separately from the church service. Children can gather in the hall from 10:15am.
There will be a one way system with the entrance opposite the church and the exit into the car park.
Adults apart from the Kid's kirk leaders are not allowed in the hall.
Please ensure your children do not bring any toys, personal items or food with them to Kid's kirk. They may bring a bottle of water, but these cannot be filled at church.
Your child will be given their own pack of craft equipment which will be kept in the hall for the next time they attend.
Like all worship events at the moment it will look different due to the current restrictions we work under.
We will only have 10 places available in the first instance and so would ask you to register if you would like your children to take part.
Parents will not be permitted in the hall.
Children can be collected from the hall door in the car park.
You can register by e-mail to [email protected]
with your name, your children's name(s) and an emergency contact phone number.
Please remember numbers are limited at the moment to 10.
Kid's Kirk 28 June 2020
Rachel and Norma talk to day on Kid's kirk about Zacchaeus, being ourselves and the Lord's prayer
Join Sarah, Norma and Alan for Kid's kirk.
They are talking and wondering about prayer
21st June 2020
Click here for kids kirk 7 June 2020
Click here for Kid's kirk worship 24 May 2020
Click here for Kid's kirk worship 17 May 2020
Over on the all-age Kid's kirk worship page this week:
- You can hear the story of the sower again.
- Enjoy a song about a grower who goes out to sow.
- Leona provides us with some Drama Fun as we imagine the types of beans and the rocks on the rocky paths.
- There are links to Youtube videos of bean, radish and barley seeds growing in good soil. Can you see the differences?
- There's a chance to help rescue Leona from her potting shed.
- and another story to listen to about getting along with each other.
- Remind yourself of the other parables we've thought about recently through Norma's 'putting on a play' sessions.
- You can reach the kid's kirk pages directly from the tab at the top or through this link
Click here for Kid's kirk worship-10 May 2020
Over on the all age Kid's kirk page this week:
- Norma offers more tips on putting on a play. Today she presents a version of the prodigal son using simple computer programmes on most computers and settings, scenery and characters from around the house.
- You might time to think about the feelings of the sons that Sarah spoke about. Do Norma's characters always show them correctly? If not, why do you think that might be?
- An app that allows you to imagine how the prodigal son dressed on his journey; holiday look, space man, diver -you get to choose in kid’s kirk online this week.
- Maybe you've heard of VE day. There's a link to learn a simple swing dance from 1945.
Click here for Kid's kirk worship-3 May 2020
Over on the all age Kid's kirk page this week:
- Rachel tells us the story of the lost sheep and the story of the two coins.
- Sarah takes us for a trip into the lambing shed and then our onto the grass.
- Norma continues her series about putting Jesus stories on as plays. Today she is thinking about characters.
- Can you find all the sheep on Alan's desk and which one went missing?
- Watch what might have happened if Little Norma had gone missing?
- Help Alan find the coins on his desk that he needs to go shopping.
- Rachel wonders how you got on and prays with us.
Click here for Kid's kirk worship-26 April 2020
This week the Kid's kirk online pages got a bit of spruce up.
- Melanie and John read the story of Jesus and the barbecue in the beach.
- You can help Alan with his fish impression
- Norma will guide you through a series of activities to help you imagine what the scene looked like..
- Sarah will share her thoughts on this story. It's one of her favourites.
- Alan shares some pictures if how he sees the story.
- Norma gas selected a few online activities you might like to try.
- And we will be looking forward to seeing on our face book page drawings or videos or photos of how you imagine the story to look like..
Below you can explore previous Kid's kirk worship.
The Easter story - 12 APRIL 2020
On Easter day, some women went to find Jesus
Rachel reads us the story of the empty tomb here. Click here to see hear the whole Easter story
Our gallery of your pictures
Thank you for all your pictures. We are happy to receive more. Send them to [email protected].
Click on an individual picture to enlarge it.
Click on an individual picture to enlarge it.
We would be delighted if you would like to send your Easter pictures to add to our gallery. Send to [email protected]
Return to Easter worship page by clicking here
Check out our other worship resources below
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Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Bible reading plan
oHere's a simple bible reading plan for the next few weeks taken from Janie Stuart's favourite Bible commentator-Dale Bruner. He calls it making a home with Jesus. (John 15). His suggestion is that we read a a book a month, reading a chapter a day and think about what we have read and what is happening in our lives. Since some books are have fewer chapters than days in the month, then you either get to have a few days holiday or spend time chewing over passages that caught your attention in that particular book.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
Boxes of discovery-Bible study
Mark's gospel
22 March 2020- a prayer to start; a prayer for ourselves and others; a prayer for all ages
Biblical reflections bible stories
Previous services at the East
Download text versions of readings aND Prayers