Kid's Kirk Worship 3 May 2020
Jesus often uses stories to tell us about God.
Today we are going to explore two of these stories.
The story of the lost sheep and the story of the lost coin
Rachel reads Jesus story of shepherd who lost his sheep.
Let's see how the sheep are getting on
The Lost sheep featuring Little Norma and TankNorma gives more tips on how to imagine the stories that Jesus tells as if they were plays in the theatre.
How many sheep can you find on Alan's desk?
Now listen to Rachel read the story of the lost coin
Alan wants to go shopping.
He has to find his money.
It's on his desk somewhere
How many coins can you find?
Can you work out how much money he has to shop with?
How did you get on? |
Part one of Norma's series 'Putting on a play':