Item C: Confirmation of Electoral Register
To be read on one Sunday.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed Electoral Register of this congregation of Banchory Ternan East Church has now been prepared.
If you believe that your name should be on the Register, you can ask for confirmation that it has been included by contacting the Session Clerk (contact Mike Jamieson, [email protected]).
If your name is not on the proposed Electoral Register, and you believe it should be, you should inform the Session Clerk in writing before the Kirk Session meets to finalise the Register on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.30pm in Banchory Ternan East Church Hall. You are also welcome to attend that meeting, if you wish to make the case for your name being included.
(signed) (agreed electronically by email) Rev Tony Stephen, previous Interim Moderator
To be read on one Sunday.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed Electoral Register of this congregation of Banchory Ternan East Church has now been prepared.
If you believe that your name should be on the Register, you can ask for confirmation that it has been included by contacting the Session Clerk (contact Mike Jamieson, [email protected]).
If your name is not on the proposed Electoral Register, and you believe it should be, you should inform the Session Clerk in writing before the Kirk Session meets to finalise the Register on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.30pm in Banchory Ternan East Church Hall. You are also welcome to attend that meeting, if you wish to make the case for your name being included.
(signed) (agreed electronically by email) Rev Tony Stephen, previous Interim Moderator
Item B: Preparation of Electoral Register
Notice is hereby given that, with a view to entering into a Basis of Readjustment (Part Time Ministry) and a Basis of Reviewable Charge, and in view of the current vacancy, the Kirk Session is about to make up an Electoral Register. This Electoral Register is a list of those who will be eligible to vote to decide upon the Basis of Readjustment (Part Time Ministry), the Basis of Reviewable Charge and when the time comes to elect the Nominating Committee and subsequently elect a new minister.
If your name and current address are already on the Communion Roll, then you will automatically be placed upon the Electoral Register. You will need to take no further action.
If you are a regular worshipper here, but are still a member of another congregation, and you wish to participate in the vote upon the Basis of Readjustment (Part Time Ministry), the Basis of Reviewable Charge, the election of a Nominating Committee and the election of a new minister, then you should arrange to hand in to the Session Clerk a valid Certificate of Transference before the Kirk Session meets. If you are a regular worshipper here, and not a member of this or any other congregation, then the Kirk Session can add your name to the Electoral Register as an “adherent”. If you wish the Kirk Session to consider this, you should obtain a form from the Session Clerk (contact Mike Jamieson, [email protected]), complete it and return it to him before the Kirk Session meets.
The Kirk Session will meet in Banchory Ternan East Church Hall on Tuesday the 4th day of June, 2024 at 7.30pm to make up the Electoral Register.
(signed) (agreed electronically by email) Rev Amy Pierce, Interim Moderator