Welcome to Banchory East church website
Worship resources for Sunday 22 March 2020
Due to the government advice on measures to combat the current Covid-19 emergency, presbytery has instructed churches not to hold worship services in the church buildings or church meetings for the foreseeable future.
Remember though that the church is not the building, the church is the people and so to help us continue worship we will be publishing prayers, reflections and readings on this site each week and on our Facebook page. The moderator of the General assembly has given us a prayer to pray at this time. You will find it on the church of Scotland website. Click here for A prayer from the moderator of the Presbytery of Kincardine and Deeside, Frank Ribbon. |
Click above for information on the Church of Scotland response to Covid-19
News from around the churchNews from Sri Lanka
News from Sri Lanka-received 24 March 2020 Please pray for our friends in Sri Lanka who are in the same position as we are. |
Let us worship God
A reflection on the word
A story for everyday living from Luke: Martha and Mary
A prayer for ourselves and others
An all age prayer
A closing thought
Sitting before Jesus during anxious times
Sitting before Jesus during anxious times
'Lord, this moment is Yours; mine for You, and Yours for me. I need You. I cannot survive without You,
but I still need to pause and let my heart and spirit be loved by You into loving You again.' (Angela Ashwin)
but I still need to pause and let my heart and spirit be loved by You into loving You again.' (Angela Ashwin)
Thank you to our friends from Drumoak-Durris for sharing their Lenten Bible study
Check out our other worship resources below
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Bible reading plan
oHere's a simple bible reading plan for the next few weeks taken from Janie Stuart's favourite Bible commentator-Dale Bruner. He calls it making a home with Jesus. (John 15). His suggestion is that we read a a book a month, reading a chapter a day and think about what we have read and what is happening in our lives. Since some books are have fewer chapters than days in the month, then you either get to have a few days holiday or spend time chewing over passages that caught your attention in that particular book.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
Boxes of discovery-Bible study
Mark's gospel
22 March 2020- a prayer to start; a prayer for ourselves and others; a prayer for all ages
Biblical reflections bible stories
Previous services at the East
Our daily journal
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