Local Project Fund – Children’s and Youth Work
The Finance Group, Congregational Board and Kirk Session have discussed and approved the creation of a new fund – a Local Project Fund.
• Each congregation is required to make a Ministries & Mission contribution as per Church of Scotland regulations
• Our assessment rate for 2016 is just under 60%
• Our proposed 2016 Ministries & Mission contribution is approx £70,000
• It has been agreed with Church of Scotland representatives that we set up a separate Local Project Fund
• The fund would not be assessed for Ministries & Mission contributions
Local Project Fund
• The fund will include all expenditure on children and youth work, including but not restricted to the following):
– Kids’ Kirk, Fusion
– Messy Church, BJYP expenses
– Children’s Coordinator
• Income has to be specifically designated for the fund by the giver
• Difficult to get the correct balance between general offerings and Local Project Fund offerings
- We have to try for a reasonable balance in order to cover both general costs and the costs of the children’s and youth work.
• Estimated that we would need between 25% to 35% of regular offerings to achieve the full funding
- Some people may decide to give in this range 25% to 35%
- Some people may decide to give less
- Some people may decide to give more
- Some may decide to continue at their current level
- Difficult to predict the outcome – but on balance we estimate an average between 25% and 35% of regular offerings is required
How can you help?
• Review your regular offerings to the church
• Consider allocating part of your existing offerings to the Local Project Fund for children’s and youth work
- The work carried out with children and youth is an important element in our church
- How much are you willing to financially support this?
• Alternatively, consider giving an additional amount specifically for the new fund
- You may believe that the work carried with children and youth is so important you would like to give an additional amount over and above your normal offerings to support it
• Any questions – please speak to Rev Alan Murray, Mike Jamieson (Session Clerk) or Helen Carberry (Treasurer).
Still got questions then check out our frequently asked questions section here.
Ready to donate? Follow this link.