Welcome to Banchory East church worship
Sunday 17 May 2020.
Todays reflection is also available by phoning Phone 01330700793.
Welcome to Worship
A thought to start with
Luke writes:
As for the seed in the good soil,
these are the ones who,
when they hear the word,
hold it fast in an honest and good heart,
and bear fruit
with patience and endurance.
Luke 8:15.
As for the seed in the good soil,
these are the ones who,
when they hear the word,
hold it fast in an honest and good heart,
and bear fruit
with patience and endurance.
Luke 8:15.
You tube Hymn link: let us build a house
All our hymns today have been picked by a church in Edinburgh
Join Alan in prayer
Melanie reads us the story of the sower
Kid's kirk activity time
Let us pray
Jesus asked us to be like the good soil.
But sometimes we wonder what does that mean?
Help us see what that means Lord.
Help us see it means helping each other
Help us see it means praying for sad people
Help us see it means reading about you and Jesus
Help us see it means living life with you always.
You are our God.
We thank you,
Jesus asked us to be like the good soil.
But sometimes we wonder what does that mean?
Help us see what that means Lord.
Help us see it means helping each other
Help us see it means praying for sad people
Help us see it means reading about you and Jesus
Help us see it means living life with you always.
You are our God.
We thank you,
Over on the all-age Kid's kirk page this week.
- You can hear the story of the sower again.
- Enjoy a song about a grower who goes out to sow.
- Leona provides us with some Drama Fun as we imagine the types of beans and the rocks on the rocky paths.
- There are links to Youtube videos of bean, radish and barley seeds growing in good soil. Can you see the differences?
- There's a chance to help rescue Leona from her potting shed.
- and another story to listen to about getting along with each other.
- Remind yourself of the other parables we've thought about recently through Norma's 'putting on a play' sessions.
Sarah reads and reflects on Luke 8:1-15
'Love never fails'
You tube Hymn link:Be thou my vision
The Offering
Thank you for continuing to support the finances of the church at this time when we can't gather in our buildings. Thank you for your standing orders, direct tranfers and the FWO envelopes that are being posted to the Manse.
We offer our gifts of time, talent and money to the work of God using the words of Hymn 505
All that I am, all that I do, all that I'll ever have I offer now to you.
Take and sanctify these gifts for your honour, Lord.
Knowing that I love and serve you is enough reward.
All that I am, all that I do,
all that I'll ever have I offer now to you.
We offer our gifts of time, talent and money to the work of God using the words of Hymn 505
All that I am, all that I do, all that I'll ever have I offer now to you.
Take and sanctify these gifts for your honour, Lord.
Knowing that I love and serve you is enough reward.
All that I am, all that I do,
all that I'll ever have I offer now to you.
Click here to find further details of how to keep giving financially to the church while the building is closed.
If you'd like further information please contact our Treasurer, Helen, at [email protected] or Mike, the session clerk..
Today is Christian Aid week.
It looks and feels a bit different this year.
Click here for more information from the Christian Aid website
Douglas Tucker
Until shortly before he passed away earlier this year, inspirational 100 year old Douglas Tucker was still fundraising for Christian Aid.
Click here for Banchory East church Christian aid 2020.
A prayer of thanksgiving and for the needs of others
You tube hymn link: We have a gospel to proclaim
A closing thought
Loving God you sent your son to be the light of the church
Open our hearts to the riches of your grace,
Open our ears to your living Word
Be to us the soil in which we grow;
be to us the air we breathe;
be to us the water we drink;
Be to us the sun that gives us light and warmth
and draws us heavenwards;
Be to us our God without whom we can have no being.
Peace be upon you,
Open our hearts to the riches of your grace,
Open our ears to your living Word
Be to us the soil in which we grow;
be to us the air we breathe;
be to us the water we drink;
Be to us the sun that gives us light and warmth
and draws us heavenwards;
Be to us our God without whom we can have no being.
Peace be upon you,
Amen. |
VE day celebrations 8th May 2020
Click here for Kids Kirk Easter worship.
Click here for our complete Holy week worship.
Check out our other worship resources below
What would you like to explore?
Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Bible reading plan
oHere's a simple bible reading plan for the next few weeks taken from Janie Stuart's favourite Bible commentator-Dale Bruner. He calls it making a home with Jesus. (John 15). His suggestion is that we read a a book a month, reading a chapter a day and think about what we have read and what is happening in our lives. Since some books are have fewer chapters than days in the month, then you either get to have a few days holiday or spend time chewing over passages that caught your attention in that particular book.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
Boxes of discovery-Bible study
Mark's gospel
22 March 2020- a prayer to start; a prayer for ourselves and others; a prayer for all ages
Biblical reflections bible stories
Previous services at the East
Download text versions of readings aND Prayers