Who we are
What we believe
Banchory East church is part of the Church of Scotland; as a parish church we are therefore expected to serve a geographical area called the Parish as well as the congregation. The Church of Scotland is Presbyterian and part of the Reformed Tradition and is overseen by a body of elders called the Kirk Session which is chaired and moderated by the parish minister. Scotland is divided into different areas called Presbyteries which are bodies of people made up of parish ministers, elders and others and they oversee the Parish Churches. The whole Church of Scotland is overseen by the General Assembly which meets once per year and is made up of delegates from the various Presbyteries of Scotland and other parts of the wider world. The General Assembly is moderated by a Moderator who is appointed each year .Find out more about the wider denomination on the official Church of Scotland website.
Broadly speaking, we hold the Bible as the highest rule of faith and believe that we find the Word of God within the Bible and that certain parts of it are open to various interpretations. The Church of Scotland is a broad church, is Trinitarian, believes Christ is the King and Head of the Church and professes him as Saviour. Broadly speaking the main tenants of our faith can be found in the ‘Apostle’s Creed’ the words of which can be found in most hymn books and online. The Church of Scotland also acknowledges the validity of certain creeds such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Scot’s Confession. However, the General Assembly decides on contentious issues and how they should be interpreted and advises on such matters.
At Banchory East we seek to be a broad parish church making room for all shades of Christians who may have various interpretations and differing understandings of the Christian faith but we do all gather together in the name of Christ and seek to share his love and compassion for the world.
Broadly speaking, we hold the Bible as the highest rule of faith and believe that we find the Word of God within the Bible and that certain parts of it are open to various interpretations. The Church of Scotland is a broad church, is Trinitarian, believes Christ is the King and Head of the Church and professes him as Saviour. Broadly speaking the main tenants of our faith can be found in the ‘Apostle’s Creed’ the words of which can be found in most hymn books and online. The Church of Scotland also acknowledges the validity of certain creeds such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Scot’s Confession. However, the General Assembly decides on contentious issues and how they should be interpreted and advises on such matters.
At Banchory East we seek to be a broad parish church making room for all shades of Christians who may have various interpretations and differing understandings of the Christian faith but we do all gather together in the name of Christ and seek to share his love and compassion for the world.
Our buildings
The buildings at Banchory East consist of our main church sanctuary and an adjoining halls complex, including three halls, toilets, and a fully fitted kitchen.
The Halls are extensively used by the church and community throughout the week, but they are available for hire if there is not a prior booking. If you would like more details or would like to discuss a booking, please get in touch.
The Halls are extensively used by the church and community throughout the week, but they are available for hire if there is not a prior booking. If you would like more details or would like to discuss a booking, please get in touch.
meet the minister
Meet our teams
The work of the church is delivered through a series of seven area teams who report to the Kirk session through an area leader. In addition, the financial and property matters of the church are controlled in the first instance through the Congregational board.
Our Seven teams are:
Worship Engagement
Led by the minister, this team coordinates, plans and leads our various worship services both on Sunday and through the week at various venues. Most Sundays worship will involve five or six members of this team.
Children and Youth work
Fellowship and community
World church
Our Seven teams are:
Worship Engagement
Led by the minister, this team coordinates, plans and leads our various worship services both on Sunday and through the week at various venues. Most Sundays worship will involve five or six members of this team.
Children and Youth work
Fellowship and community
World church
Unitary Constitution
Banchory Ternan East church works under the Unitary constitution of the Church of Scotland
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Click here for further details