Our Kirk Session invites you to be part of a direct giving event. The East Church is here not only for members but the whole community. We work together to provide a place of comfort and enjoyment for all. This week of giving will be a chance for you to show your appreciation of the work the church does.
This event takes place in the church and halls: Monday 4th November, 2pm to 4pm, 7pm to 9pm Tuesday 5th November, 2pm to 4pm Wednesday 6th November, 2pm to 4pm Thursday 7th November, 2pm to 4pm Friday 8th November, 2pm to 4pm Saturday 9th November, 10am to 12noon
You will find displays from our church groups, extracts from our church history, our financial trends and details of the new Church of Scotland Radical Action Plan. There will also be family friendly activities on the Saturday morning.
Making a difference together At the event you can increase your regular giving or give a one-off donation or both.
For example, increasing your giving by £1.50 per week is equivalent to approx. £80 per year.If 300 members do this, we can cover our £24,000 annual deficit.
How can you donate? By cash, cheque, Freewill Offering, Standing Order or online. Cheques should be made payable to Banchory Ternan East Church Online Internet Banking payments should be made payable to: Banchory Ternan East Church, Clydesdale Bank, Sort Code: 82-61-00, Account Number: 30135260. Please add as a reference - ‘your name, Giving Week’.
If you are unable to join us and you would still like to help, please contact the church office on 01330 820380 or by email at [email protected]. If you would like to discuss any financial aspect with our church treasurer, Helen can be contacted on [email protected] Scottish Charities No. SC011251