Welcome to our Wednesday break reflection
5 August 2020
There is a no frills video of the complete Wednesday Break
at the end of this page and on our
You tube channel
Paul writes
You are all one in Christ
Galatians 3:28
Let us worship God
Hymn: Be still my soul
When it comes to poetry interacting and shaping lives, few pieces have had more of an effect than Paul's words from
1 Corinthians 13:1-11
Strive for the greater gifts.
I will show you a still more excellent way
Paul wrote so much of our New Testament. We meet him in Acts, yet discover more about him though his letters.
Many see him as the founder of the church.
Many people write him off for changing a simple faith into a complicated philosophy.
Alan offers some simple reflections on Paul, his personality and his thoughts. So ponder on Paul with Alan this morning
Pause for awhile in the presence of God and listen to Be still and know that I am God or sing along to this instrumental version.
Be still and know that I am god
We bow our heads in prayer
And after we pray, we go and prepare.
At the name of Jesus
every knee should bend
in heaven and one earth and under the earth
and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord
to the glory of God the Father.
Words of Paul from his letter to the Philippians chapter 2 verse 10-11 NRSV
every knee should bend
in heaven and one earth and under the earth
and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord
to the glory of God the Father.
Words of Paul from his letter to the Philippians chapter 2 verse 10-11 NRSV
Hymn: Let us build a house
Below is a no frills video of this complete Wednesday Break
Holiday club 2020
Don't forget the Razzamatazz holiday cub has activities for all ages.
Our church building in Spring
At the end of last year, Leonard said to me one Sunday that I should look forward to a surprise outside the church in late spring. Is this the surprise? Since we can't go into the building I thought you might like to see some pictures.
What thoughts of church and friends come to mind as you look at them?
Thank you Leonard and helpers.
What thoughts of church and friends come to mind as you look at them?
Thank you Leonard and helpers.
Click here for our Holy week worship
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Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Bible reading plan
oHere's a simple bible reading plan for the next few weeks taken from Janie Stuart's favourite Bible commentator-Dale Bruner. He calls it making a home with Jesus. (John 15). His suggestion is that we read a a book a month, reading a chapter a day and think about what we have read and what is happening in our lives. Since some books are have fewer chapters than days in the month, then you either get to have a few days holiday or spend time chewing over passages that caught your attention in that particular book.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
Boxes of discovery-Bible study
Mark's gospel
22 March 2020- a prayer to start; a prayer for ourselves and others; a prayer for all ages
Biblical reflections bible stories
Previous services at the East
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