You can help so many people of all ages in Banchory by donating to the work of the East church
A donation by text is a quick and easy way to donate to the East church.
Here's how you do it.
About donating by text.
You can text to donate through this page by texting one of the keywords below followed by the amount you would like to denote to the short number shown. For example texting EASTCHURCH 5 to 70085 will donate £5 to the East church general fund. By doing so you will be opting into hear more about our work and fundraising by telephone and SMS (text messaging).
If you'd like to give but don't want to receive fund raising and event communications from the East church, text the keyword attached to the type of donation you want to make followed by NOINFO 5 to70085. You can also text STOP in reply to the text message you receive when you make your donation. Texts cost the amount of your donation plus two standard rate messages.
1. One off donations by Text to the East Church General fund
Text-EASTCHURCH 5 to donate £5 Text-EASTCHURCH 10 to donate £10 Text-EAST CHURCH 20 to donate £20
The East Church will use your donation where it is most needed.
2. To make regular monthly donations to the East church general fund
Text-EASTCHURCHGIVE 5 to 70085 and donate £5 Text-EASTCHURCHGIVE 10 to 70085 and donate £10 Text-EAST CHURCHGIVE 20 to 70085 and donate £20
The East Church will use your donation where it is most needed.
Gift Aid If you are a UK tax player please consider supporting us further through the Gift Aid scheme which allows us to claim an extra 25p from every donation you give. You just need to have paid enough tax to cover the donations you make in the tax year. To sign up, click the link you will receive after your text donation.