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Order of Service 13 June.
Banchory Ternan East Church 10:30am
You must register to join us through the '2021 register' tab or by phoning Stan.
This week's service will be broadcast live on Facebook or You tube on Sunday and will be recorded to be made available later on our website
Worship today is led by Alan and Sarah.
Music is provided by Muriel, John, Jennifer and Rafal
Please note there may be different musical items live in church this week from those on the streamed services
In church prior to worship Muriel will play.we will play a medley of music to welcome you.
On face book and You tube we will broadcast we will play a medley of music to welcome you.
1. Entrance of the Bible. Jesus thou joy of loving hearts
2.Welcome and call to worship: (Alan)
Be still and ready yourself to worship
3. Prayer of Adoration and Confession-Alan
4. Bible reading Revelation 1:9-20 and 2:1-7 - Alan
5. Explanation of the seven letters to the seven churches- Sarah
6a. Music: The old Rugged cross sung by John Montgomery
7. Reflection from pulpit-Alan
7. Offering -
On the stream -Be still sung by Jennifer accompanied by Ruth.
Live music from Muriel
To give online click the picture at the top of this page.
8. Introduction to communion
9. Communion prayers of Thanksgiving & Lord’s Prayer - Alan
10. Communion
11. Hymn: Look forward in faith Jennifer and Muriel.
11. Dismissal and Blessing
12. Three-fold amen
13. Exit music. BAch played by Rafal on the stream
For our Lent studies click here.
Thank you to Sarah and Stan for providing technical assistance today.
Thank you to our welcome and cleaning teams for their work today.
Thank you for our contactless collection team at the front door today,
Thank you Stan for collecting and collating our registrations for worship this week
Thank you to our welcome and cleaning teams for their work today.
Thank you for our contactless collection team at the front door today,
Thank you Stan for collecting and collating our registrations for worship this week