Kids kirk is on and we are looking forward to seeing you.
We meet next on Sunday 15th November 2020 at 10:30am. Here are few points about the new Kid's kirk.
Kid's kirk will take place separately from the church service. Children can gather in the hall from 10:15am.
There will be a one way system with the entrance opposite the church and the exit into the car park.
Adults apart from the Kid's kirk leaders are not allowed in the hall.
Please ensure your children do not bring any toys, personal items or food with them to Kid's kirk. They may bring a bottle of water, but these cannot be filled at church.
Your child will be given their own pack of craft equipment which will be kept in the hall for the next time they attend.
Like all worship events at the moment it will look different due to the current restrictions we work under.
We will only have 10 places available in the first instance and so would ask you to register if you would like your children to take part.
Parents will not be permitted in the hall.
Children can be collected from the hall door in the car park.
You can register by e-mail to [email protected] with your name, your children's name(s) and an emergency contact phone number. Please remember numbers are limited at the moment to 10.