Would you like to get involved in the work of Banchory East?
Here are some ways you can help our teams.
Want to come along on Sunday? That's easy just come along at 10:30am and join in.
After worship, stay for a cup of tea or coffee if you want in the hall and get to know us a little better.
After worship, stay for a cup of tea or coffee if you want in the hall and get to know us a little better.
A little of how we are organised.
The East church is part of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Presbyterian refers to how we work rather than what we believe. The Minister and the elders together make up the Kirk Session who look after the spiritual matters of the church.
Kirk Session
The 29 elders of the kirk session of Banchory Ternan East church work in six area teams, each of which is convened by an elder who reports back to the session. You do not have to be an elder to work within an area team. On Sundays it is the elders and members of the Congregational Board (see below) who welcome you to worship each week.
The six Kirk Session area teams are:
Worship engagement
Extend and develop opportunities to get engaged with worship through mid week service, bible study and Prayer groups
Parish visiting
Flowers for worship services
Fellowship and community
Friendship lunches
World mission
Christian Aid
Communication and Stewardship
Keeping the congregation up to date with what is happening through a variety of resources.
Children and Youth.
Tom Toms
Kids kirk
Banchory joint Youth project - Joint with the West church
Messy Church
Messy Church Holiday club
Extend and develop opportunities to get engaged with worship through mid week service, bible study and Prayer groups
Parish visiting
Flowers for worship services
Fellowship and community
Friendship lunches
World mission
Christian Aid
Communication and Stewardship
Keeping the congregation up to date with what is happening through a variety of resources.
Children and Youth.
Tom Toms
Kids kirk
Banchory joint Youth project - Joint with the West church
Messy Church
Messy Church Holiday club
Congregational Board
The Congregational board concerns itself with what are called matters temporal, that is looking after the financial aspects of running Banchory Ternan East church as well as the maintenance of our property. The members of the congregation elect a number of their members to serve on the congregational board alongside an equal number of elders elected by the Kirk session. Each elected Congregational Board member serves for three years. In addition to its work involving finance and property, the Congregational Board oversees a number of other administrative tasks such as looking after our health and safety and use of data policies.