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Scroll down for March 29 worship resources.
The church is not the building, the church is the people and so while it is sensible for us not to gather week by week in the building, we will be publishing prayers, reflections and readings on this site each week and on our Facebook page.
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Worship resources for Sunday 29 March 2020
Let us worship God
Matthew wrote: Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, but store up for yourself treasure in Heaven. Matthew 6:19,20,21.
Isaiah said. The Lord will be your guide continually and will satisfy your needs. Melanie reads us a bible reading from Luke 12:13-21
Alan reflecst on the bible reading
A prayer from Melanie for ourselves and others.
To open a text version of the service click the picture
Norma tells us a story about sharing from Luke's gospel.
Norma leads us in an all age prayer
Holding hands and staying strong
Our Gallery of paper dolls:
I am the church, You are the church, we are the church together |
Now it's your turn
Have a go at adding to our virtual congregation. Send your pictures to [email protected] and we will add them to our gallery. Please remember to give us permission to post in your e-mail
Have a go at adding to our virtual congregation. Send your pictures to [email protected] and we will add them to our gallery. Please remember to give us permission to post in your e-mail
A member suggested you might like to finish by listening to "In Christ alone" here.
This version brings out the togetherness of what Luke decided to tell us of Jesus message today.
This version brings out the togetherness of what Luke decided to tell us of Jesus message today.
A closing thought
Sitting before Jesus during anxious times
Sitting before Jesus during anxious times
Luke 12: 'Life is not defined by what you have.' (v15 The Message)
Lord, I realise that I need to be wholehearted in my life of faith. Give me the courage to look honestly at my life and be willing to face up to the 'gods' that preoccupy me. Do I really desire You, Lord, with all my heart? If not, give me grace to desire You and to see You as my dearly Beloved, who alone can satisfy my deep inner needs.
(Aileen Ross)
Lord, I realise that I need to be wholehearted in my life of faith. Give me the courage to look honestly at my life and be willing to face up to the 'gods' that preoccupy me. Do I really desire You, Lord, with all my heart? If not, give me grace to desire You and to see You as my dearly Beloved, who alone can satisfy my deep inner needs.
(Aileen Ross)
Thank you to our friends from Drumoak-Durris for sharing their Lenten Bible study
Check out our other worship resources below
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Click the rectangles below to find other worship resources
Bible reading plan
oHere's a simple bible reading plan for the next few weeks taken from Janie Stuart's favourite Bible commentator-Dale Bruner. He calls it making a home with Jesus. (John 15). His suggestion is that we read a a book a month, reading a chapter a day and think about what we have read and what is happening in our lives. Since some books are have fewer chapters than days in the month, then you either get to have a few days holiday or spend time chewing over passages that caught your attention in that particular book.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
His scheme for the next few months would be:
March: Luke 1-24
April: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28
June: Romans: 1-16
We are part way through the gospel of Luke in the church so I would suggest the following:
March 22 to April 12 Luke 10 -24
April 13 to May 3: John 1-21
May: Acts 1-28 which would gets us back onto Dale's plan but let us read and reflect on the Easter story at Easter.
Boxes of discovery-Bible study
Mark's gospel
22 March 2020- a prayer to start; a prayer for ourselves and others; a prayer for all ages
Biblical reflections bible stories
Previous services at the East
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