Good Friday walk with the cross around Banchory
We stop outside St Columba's church
Mark 14:66-72 (The message) |
66-67 While all this was going on, Peter was down in the courtyard. One of the Chief Priest’s servant girls came in and, seeing Peter warming himself there, looked hard at him and said, “You were with the Nazarene, Jesus.”
68 He denied it: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He went out on the porch. A rooster crowed. 69-70 The girl spotted him and began telling the people standing around, “He’s one of them.” He denied it again. After a little while, the bystanders brought it up again. “You’ve got to be one of them. You’ve got ‘Galilean’ written all over you.” 71-72 Now Peter got really nervous and swore, “I never laid eyes on this man you’re talking about.” Just then the rooster crowed a second time. Peter remembered how Jesus had said, “Before a rooster crows twice, you’ll deny me three times.” He collapsed in tears. The Message (MSG)Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson |
Something to think about
A prayer for the World
O God whose living word tells how you walk with your people
through every sorrow, danger and tragedy,
put kindness, healing and hope into the hands of all who work
to help us a this uncertain strange time.
Inspire the leaders to work together
and urge them to build here on earth a world more like your kingdom
O God whose living word tells how you walk with your people
through every sorrow, danger and tragedy,
put kindness, healing and hope into the hands of all who work
to help us a this uncertain strange time.
Inspire the leaders to work together
and urge them to build here on earth a world more like your kingdom
Let us Pray
So let us learn how to serve,
and in our lives enthrone him
each others needs to prefer,
for it is Christ we're serving.
This is our God, the servant king,
he calls us now to follow him,
to bring our lives as a daily offering
of worship to the Servant king.
So let us learn how to serve,
and in our lives enthrone him
each others needs to prefer,
for it is Christ we're serving.
This is our God, the servant king,
he calls us now to follow him,
to bring our lives as a daily offering
of worship to the Servant king.